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December's Featured Wound

December's wound is from a case we supported at the end of 2021 at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital. At the time of treatment, the wound had persisted for over three years and was causing the patient an enormous amount of pain and discomfort. Len had been cycled on and off anti-biotics throughout the duration of the wound.
Before Debrichem treatment. Pain related to wound severe. High exudate.
Two weeks post-treatment. Pain related to wound reduced considerately.
Four weeks post-treatment. Granulating tissue forming and size of wound bed reducing.
November 2022. Much smaller wound and continuing to heal. Pain related to wound gone. Infection hasn't returned.
Len's wound responded incredibly well to treatment and has not become infected again, meaning that he has not required anymore antibiotics and it has allowed the wound to restart it's natural healing process.

We went to visit Len in November, almost a year on since his Debrichem treatment, and we filmed a great case study video where he talks about his full experience, that you can watch below.

We want to thank Len for sharing his story, and Priti Bhatt (Tissue Viability Lead) from Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital for working with us from a very early stage and for her continued support.

Looking back at November


New partnerships on the way

This month, we have been working closely with a prominent diabetic foot team in London and a large podiatry team in Manchester, to form two new and very exciting partnerships. The goal of these partnerships is to build strong cohorts to further demonstrate the efficacy of Debrichem within UK-based patients with a variety of chronic wounds.

Wounds UK 2022

We had a great time meeting so many new people in Harrogate at Wounds UK last month. Hopefully those that attended were able to gain a better understanding of how Debrichem could help their patients with chronic wounds.

Click the button below to book a meeting and one of our team will be in touch to present Debrichem in more detail - we'll bring the morning coffees as well!
Book a meeting

Copper-based dressings: A new innovation in wound care

We have started to introduce the world of wound care to our brand new copper dressings by MedCU. These new dressings are as effective an antimicrobial as any silver-based dressing available. However, they are far more tolerable for patients than silver, and the copper ions also help to increase blood supply to the wound, therefore improving healing outcomes.

Keep an eye out for them in the New Year!

Homerton Stop The Pressure Conference

We were privileged to attend and exhibit at Homerton University Hospital's Stop The Pressure conference, hosted by the incredible Tissue Viability team this month. We had a great time catching up with everyone in attendance!

Thank you to Alfred, Joanna, Renee, Jade and the rest of the team at Homerton for a great day!

Meet the team

Leo Fielding, Business Unit Manager
London and South England

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Ollie Wildsmith, Territory Manager
Midlands and The North

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